• Installing Freshservice - VSTS (Azure DevOps) Integration...

    1. To Install the App Click on Below Link.

    Click on Install and Enter your Freshservice URL as show in the screenshot below.

    2. Click on Install and Enter your Freshservice URL as show in the screenshot below.

    3. Click on Proceed.

    4.  Now you will see installation page something like below.

       a. Enter your Freshservice  domain. e.g. if your Freshservice URL is https://sotiriszegiannis.freshservice.com then enter the Freshservice domain as sotiriszegiannis

       b. Enter your Freshservice API Token. To generate the Freshservice API Token click on this link for more info 


       c. Enter your VSTS (Azure DevOps) Account URL.

       d. Enter your VSTS (Azure DevOps Account Token. Click below to get help on how to generate Token. 


      e. Click validate to Validate Your Freshservice and VSTS (Azure DevOps) Credentials. Once Credentials are validated your will see the message like below.

      f. Once Credentials are validated. Click on Install to install the App.

    5. Once the App is installed now you can go to any of your Ticket to start  using the App.

    6. In the App You can create Bug, Epic, Feature, User Story etc. 

    7. You can link existing Work Item to Freshservice Ticket.

    8. You can Notify your Linked Work Items. See the screen shot below for more details

    Thank You.

  • How to use the App (Step 4 – Setup Trial).

    In the App we have 3 Options.

    1. New Work Items which contains Bug, Epic, Feature, Task and User Story.
    2. Link to Work Item.
    3. Notify.

    1. For E.g. How to create Bug in VSTS/Azure DevOps from Freshdesk.

    • Click on Bug to create new Bug in Freshdesk Visual studio Azure DevOps.

    • Add in all the necessary details like Project, Priority, Acceptance Criteria, Custom Fields (if required) etc.

    • After Clicking on Create Bug button User will receive a message “Work item has been created successfully”.

    • As User Clicks on the Work Item Number User will be redirected to the Visual studio Azure DevOps Work Item Number.


    • In the same simple manner User can create Feature Epic & Task just by adding required info.

    2. Link to Work Item.

    • User can link One Work Items.

    • When User Clicks on Link button User will see below “Work item has linked successfully.”

    • Work Item can be seen linked in the App.

    3. Notify.

    • User can Notify by using the Notify options in the App.

    • After User Click on Send User gets the following message below “Message has been posted successfully”

    • Notification in AzureDevops from Freshdesk App.

    • Give your customer support team easy access to the information they need using the Show Work Item Comment History Icon.

    • See details about work items linked to a Freshdesk ticket, including Current State, Area, Priority etc.

    See the App in action.

  • Install App by IntegrateCloud (Step 3 - Setup Trial)

    Step 01. Login into Freshservice Account.

    Step 02. Navigate to Admin Menu - - - > Helpdesk Productivity - - - -> Apps.

    Step 03. Click on Apps - - - > Get More Apps.

    Step 04. Type “Freshservice - Azure DevOps (VSTS) INTEGRATION” in the search option.

    Click on Install Button.

    Step 05. As Users clicks on Install button user will be redirected to installation page where user needs to add VSTS & Freshservice Details & validate.

    After Clicking on Validation if details are correct User will get message as “App validated successfully. Click on install to install the app.”

    Step 6. After the installation is completed user will be able to see the Install App.

  • Token Creation (Step 2 – Setup Trial)

    For VSTS Token: — As below.

    In order to use the VSTS app on Freshservice user need to create a token password for each user that user need to grant access to your VSTS Account.

    Step A. Clicking on the security button on your VSTS account:

    Step 02. U User must navigate to the Personal Access Tokens menu and click the Add button as show below:

    Step 03. Next step is to set the token name, expiration time and the VSTS account that the app will use to impersonate the access. Token name can be set whatever makes more sense to you. Is good to set the expiration date to something long, like a year, if you don’t wish to repeat the process very often.

    Step 04. Finally User need to select the minimum scopes in order to make full use of the app. These are the Project and Team and Work Items.

    Step 05. Once the token has been created User need to save the password somewhere locally on computer in order to use it later during authorization inside the Freshservice App.

    The Token is use to validate.

    For Freshservice API Key: — As below.

    Step A. Login into your Freshservice Account.

    Click on the Right side Icon — — — — -> Profile Settings.


    Step 02. On Right Side of the Page user can see “Your API Key”.

    That the Key user will use above to validate.

    VSTS Account: — aspnetdevelopergoyal

    Only the domain name can be Individual Name or users Company Name.

  • Install App by IntegrateCloud. (Step 1 - Setup Trial)

  • FreshService Custom App submitting and Installation

    To submit a Custom app:


    1. Navigate to the Freshservice developer website and click Log in. The Login with your Freshservice account window is displayed.
    2. Enter your Freshservice account URL (for example, myhelpdesk.freshservice.com) and click PROCEED. If you are not signed in to your Freshservice account, the login page is displayed. Enter your Freshservice account credentials and click LOGIN. The freshworks developer page is displayed.
    3. Click Add New App. The Add New App window is displayed.
    4. Click Custom App. The Custom App window is displayed.
    5. Click Upload app file, Download the Integratecloud-FreshService App file, and click Open. The My New App page is displayed.
    6. Under the App Details tab, provide appropriate information by using the following fields.

      1. For Product ---> select Fresh service
      2. App Name ---->IntegrateCloud-DevOps Integration
      3. Overview
      4. Description
      5. Support Email ----> support@integratecloud.com
    7. Click Publish, to submit the app. The label of the Publish button changes to Publishing In Progress. Custom apps are not subject to the review process and are available for installation within 30 minutes of app submission



    To install a custom app:


    1. Log into your Freshservice account and from the left-navigation pane, select the Admin icon. The Admin page is displayed
    2. Navigate to Helpdesk Productivity > Apps. The Apps page is displayed.

    3. Navigate to the Custom Apps tab and Click Get Custom Apps. The Custom App Gallery window is displayed with a list of all custom apps that are successfully published.

    4. Click on the card corresponding to the app that is to be installed. The app details are displayed.

    5. Click Install.

    1. If the app requires third-party authentication, a corresponding window requesting for login credentials is displayed. Enter appropriate credentials and log in. The Authorize app window is displayed. Click Authorize.

    2. If the app requires input in the form of installation parameters, the Settings page is displayed with the list of installation parameters. Enter appropriate input values and click Install.

    1. Once Installed Successfully ,Please open any of the existing ticket and check installed app showing in APPS section or not.




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